Two days cycling along a disused rail track

Sun Mar 1st – Orbost to Nowa Nowa – 47 mls. R/T 15371 mls. 169mls to go.
It was a very wet and windy night and after I packed up a soggy tent I cycled from Orbost to Marlo on the coast. I had planned to stay with a host but I was two days early. I thought if the weather and Marlo was nice I would stay. Unfortunately on both counts it was miserable. I rode back to Orbost and joined the disused rail track to Nowa Nowa (so good they named it twice perhaps?) I arrived to find one shop, a pub and a camp site. The camp site was small but pleasant and right next to the top of Lake Tyes. I was told there were thermals in the middle which kept the water at c26º. I pitched my tent and went for a swim and sure enough I could feel the warm water beneath me. In the evening there were 3 other campers ( 2 girls from Newfoundland and a German cyclist) and we sat round a fire drinking beer. The German cyclist pitched his tent right next to mine which would have been fine accept he snored! Loudly!!
Mon Mar 2nd – Nowa Nowa to Bairnsdale – 40 mls. R/T 15411mls. 180 mls to go (recalculated)
It was a lovely warm morning as I rejoined the rail track. It was a really nice ride along a sand/gravel surface which for the most part was firm and easy to cycle along with NO hills! There was only one worrying moment when I saw a large c4ft long black snake by the side of the track. Fortunately by the time I got closer it had slithered away.  I arrived in Bairnsdale around 1pm. The forecast was for a warm sunny afternoon so I found a camp site with a nice pool and chilled. I am constantly amazed at the lack of wifi in Australia. Today I tried to upload my blog. The camp site wifi didnt work. The local MacDonalds was so slow it was unbelievable. The local library wifi was even slower. Its 7.35pm and I am sitting on a bench outside a ‘Target’ clothes shop as they have the fastest wifi in Bairnsdale
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